Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crunch Time!

It is mid March, which means I need to hand in my Portfolio to the animation program in about two weeks!! 

That means that all the things I have been putting off drawing (like hands, feet, buildings and real life faces) must now be drawn.  Here are some drawings I have been doing, though most of them are just practice for the real drawings I need to do. 

In other news, I just got over being sick and it feels WONDERFUL! 

I pretty much read Winnie the Pooh the whole time I was sick, which is what inspired this silly poem-




Crying till I'm bored no more.

Yes I know that one is depressing, but I was soo tired of being sick!

lying here, lying there
sinking in a solid chair
watching, waiting
life inside this borish lair.

Even though they are both depressing, they were fun to write. I think at one point I made up a song about Karly (my friend in animation who was with me) preparing to die. She was a little scared, but hey, I enjoyed it!

Do you have any songs or poems you like to sing to yourself, that help you through the day (question mark)
(darn button isnt working again)


  1. Um "Friday" by Rebecca Black helps me get through until the weekend!
    In other news... I LOVE the way you draw!!! I just seriously realized it looking at your pictures! Thank YOU Ramona!

  2. Nice work! I'm sure you'll have no problem putting together the portfolio!

    I ALSO need (desperately) to work on my portrait drawing... It's something that I'm in serious need of practice of. I can cartoon-ify them okay, but when I shoot for realism in faces it fails pretty badly. Hmmm...

    I think my favorite of your drawings is your cousin there in the middle. That's really well done! How long did it take you? It looks like you did an under-drawing first with shapes, is that right?

  3. Thank you so much (both of you)! The drawing of my cousin took me maybe 15 minutes? not too long. I always draw shapes first, way easier for proportions and such. Sometimes I like to start in a different colour like blue or green and then go over it with darker pencil. :)

  4. OHHH I really like the one of Angela! It looks great. And all the dogs are awesome.

    I LOVE your second poem. I wish I came up with it because it ROCKS. Just saying.

    I hope the portfolio drawing is still going well.

    OMG Josh. rebecca Black, Friday? Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!
