Thursday, February 24, 2011

School come back to me!

I miss school!

Work is fine, but I miss having specific animation or drawing to do.  I went to the animation open house a couple weeks ago, and WOW! Some of the drawings there made me want to scream! They are amazing!  Maybe if I get in to the program, with lots of hard work, I will be able to make such captivating and emotional drawings like they did.

Here is a few drawings I did a couple days ago. I know, its not much but its something right?

 Now when I edit it (on my sweet new camera), and put it to negative, it makes it look like I drew it in chalk! Pretty cool hey?

P.s. I am soooo sore today! I went rock climbing again yesterday, and man my arms are not used to that kind of exercise.  We did get our belaying ticket though!  This means we can go there whenever and do it all ourselves. Nice hey? 

Here is a little hint to a video Melissa and I are currently working on.
(obstacles is back)

If you don't understand, read Melissa's Post.

Anybody have any challenges for me (drawing wise)? Leave a suggestion and I will see what I can do.


  1. I freaking LOVE the lion (but you totally knew I would, didn't you?!) Also, I love the bunny - jeesh that thing is SO cute. It makes me want to cuddle it for HOURS!

    HAHAHA, NICE, Obstacles ROCKS! We need to finish our video! Because it is epicness personified! (or not personified but...put to music and with pictures!)

    YAY for getting your belaying ticket. You, my dear, are a PRO!

  2. Try working in stronger lines of action into your drawings Ramone. It's there, but not quite strong enough.

  3. Hey Ramona! Nice work on the drawings - keep it up!!! I love your bunny especially - sooo cute!! And I like the effect of putting the drawings into negative - quite a cool effect I agree. : )

    I hope you put up some more drawings soon. Hmmm I've been trying to challenge myself in relation to drawing subjects recently too, especially in relation to emotion. If I give you one will you send me one? Mine for you is... a grumpy animal - you choose the kind of animal. But try and draw a really grumpy one.

    Ok your turn now!!! : )
