Friday, October 14, 2011

Disney Cel Frame

One of the projects for the craft fair, that I am doing, is a Disney Frame.  The outside is covered with Disney Characters, and inside there is room for a fairly large picture.  

I have completed the drawing portion so far, and need to paint it.  To paint it, I just turn over the acetate paper (clear sheet), and paint on the back. 

(the pictures are not great, but heres a preview)


  1. Wow what details! Is that going to take you a long time to complete? Are you doing the craft fair for charity or are you selling your art for profit? I have always wanted to do a craft fair but I guess I am too chicken to display my crafts. I always think they are not good enough. Your frame is gorgeous!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Thank you! It will take a long time haha. I have like a month and a half to complete it though, so I should be fine. The craft fair is for our own profit haha. It's with the church so there will be many other tables. I am very excited. I struggle with that too. I guess you got to put it out there and see.
